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Most children at the age of ten enjoy being with their friends. They often have a best friend who is the same gender as them. When I observed Dominick he had many friends of each gender. Many kids this age insist that they are not interested in kids of the opposite sex yet will tease, show off or act silly to get their attention. Dominick displayed this many times throughout my observation. He would call girls names but then help another girl set up her art supplies and get things for her.  A major milestone for a 10 year-Old’s social/emotional development is enjoying team and group activities. Although Dominick said he did not want to participate in art at first then but then he seemed to be having a blast painting with his friends. At age ten children may be moody but will move on without much trouble. Dominick demonstrated this when he became upset about not being able to have a second 
Frequency Counts
  Like Check Lists, Frequency Counts are easy to use when observing also. A Frequency Chart is when you check off how often you see a specific behavior. Using a frequency chart is a perfect way to measure a child’s behavior. A professional could create a frequency chart to focus on a specific behavior a child exhibits or to gauge a child’s development.


Below is an examples of a Frequency Chart being used to observe a child and explanations of how the observation relates to that child's development.


Example 1 

I observed a 10-year-old boy, Dominick, interacting at the Pemi Youth Center. I chose to use a frequency chart and focused on verbal and non-verbal communication and relate it to the child’s social/emotional development. From my observation I conclude that Dominick is a typical normal ten year old boy.
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