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Running Records
A professional could use Running Record's information and observation method to gauge the child’s development. As a professional you can see if the children you are observing need help or more work in certain areas. You’ll be able to recommend specialists and ways to help promote progress in development to educate the parents.


Below are examples of a Running Record being used to observe a child and explanations of how the observation relates to that child's development.


Example 1 

      I observed a little girl named Ainsley at Top Gun Gymnastics. Ainsley is five years old and was in a gymnastic class. 
      I chose to do a running record observation to observe Ainsley. I chose this because it allowed me to write everything down that was happening so I could go back and easily analyze my observations.

       For this observation I was observing Ainsley’s social/emotional and language development. Children five years old have proficient communication skills and a strong vocabulary. They should be able to speak fluently using correct tenses of words. They should be very interested in language. They should be able to understand names and opposites.  Although, their thinking is still naïve. In Ainsley she did not demonstrate language skills very much however she understood everything that was being said to her.

            Children at five years old can distinguish right from wrong and honest and dishonest. Ainsley portrayed this when she would not listen to her instructor and not do what is told. Five year olds seeks to play rather then be alone; friends are very important. Ainsley shows this be interacting with the other girls. Also it might explain why she was talking to herself she might have an imaginary friend to talk to so she isn’t alone.  A milestone of social/emotional development at this age is children tend to agree with the rules. Ainsley showed this when she listened to her instructor as to what to do and flowed along stretching. Many children this age like to sing, dance and act. Ainsley portrayed this when she was humming/ singing to herself.



Example 2

      I observed a cheerleading practice of six year olds at Top Gun Gymnastics. 
      Just like above I chose to do a running record because it allowed me to write everything down that was happening so I could go back and easily analyze my observations.
      I observed a cheerleading practice of six year olds at Top Gun Gymnastics. From what I observed they were all typical six year olds. For their physical development one major milestoneis that they can move in time with music or a beat. They all expressed this when they went with the music doing their routine.
     Children at 6 ar every active and need structure. They are also developing a sense of humor. I could easily see this when I observed. They would all play with one another but listened very well to authority. 
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